Yep, I'm taking a swing at the concept of writing in English. Why? Boredom mostly, had to do something, not a single entry in what? Two months... for shame... For everyone new here that hasn't used the all-famous google-translate to, for some bizarre reason, read a blog in Swedish, too bad you won't be able to understand my earlier entries because let me tell you, they where funny as f--k. Nowadays... I'm usually not all that funny. For some reason I lost the abillity to make good jokes about my life and my daily encounters. Not really sure why. See, it used to be a way of dealing, so going by that reasoning, my blog would get funnier and funnier even as my life whent down the drain. Win-win right? Apparently not, or I'm just not far enough down the drain yet. Which seems most likley since I'm really not that bad off, sure, finances could always be more up and this whole idea of living on my own is starting to get old, but as a whole? Shouldn't complain too much...
What about me then? Well, I'm not really sure what separates me from most people, nothing extreme, that's for certain. I like to daydream, and I have this fascinations with gray areas. Figuratly speaking now, the colour, of and on it's own, does have it's limits in terms of interest. But figurativley, now that's a completley different matter. To me, gray areas can symbolize all those moments in your life where nothing spectacular happens, which, unless you're sir Richard Branson or some other, is probably the majority of your time. And there the grey area stands as a challenge for you to make something of it and make a choice wether it's going to be light or slightly darker. Cheesy huh? Well, still, it makes for a good argument to once in a while get off your ass and do something out of the ordinary. Because grey can also be a steady life, full of routines, predictable and safe, and personally I need a whole lot of that too at times, but to some people somewhat dull.
It can also be applied to areas of morale. This though, is a somewhat more controversial area. Considering that there are countles more or less good self-help-books out there, that talk about the same cheesy only-you-can-change-your-life or stop-and-smell-the-roses-stuff that you usually don't really have an opinion about, everyone's definitly got an opinion about morale. I should probably expand on my definition of morale, it's not that complicated, it's just what I consider right or wrong, sometimes good or bad, but that is usually a completley different story all together. Now pay attention to the 'I' in what you just read. I'm not saying I'm right. What I've found most of the times when I end up in a conversation, or read a debate, that has anything relatable to morale (which, by the way, by all standards, is subjective) there are allways these people that will take their standing point to the very exreme in all cases no matter what the cost, beccause apparently, if your own rules doesn't apply to every case scenario in this already subjective matter, the world as we know it will cease to exist. I'm usually somewhat more laid back in these matters, as are probably most of you, the difficult thing with this attitude though is that sometimes you can have a hard time to efficiently argue for your point of view since you 90% of the time tend to lean the other way. Well, that's grey areas for you again, unless you need your world to be black and white in order to not have a nervous breakdown, you probably need to accept that sometimes grey areas will force you to take a stand without giving you the full backup argument.
Oh, and the title? Well, it's a really beautiful expression don't you think? I really like it, it's got a kind of poetry to it. It can also quite easily be put in relation to my favourite grey areas. It's also the name of a somewhat gloomy song (the artist is easily found on youtube) with a slightly over dramatic but never the less interesting video... Well, I'm going to stop here for now... Let's see if this whole English idea is something that's going to stick...
"home" part one finns nu på Spotify !
8 years ago
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